General Questions:

Where should we park?

Our studio is located in the beautiful downtown area of Bellbrook. The studio entrance is right off W Walnut St. (Behind the Bellbrook Museum) We have a variety of parking options that are only a quick 30 seconds from our front door. Click here to view options

How much does pottery painting cost?

Cost depends on the project you choose from our project wall. Projects start at $16. We find that $25 will allow you to choose from a wide range from our projects such as plates, bowls and mugs to figurines, banks, and boxes.

Do you have a studio fee?

There is no studio fee during our Open Studio hours. Any appointment or table reservation outside of these hours will be charged a flat fee of $10 reservation fee.

How long does it take to paint pottery?

This all varies from person to person, on the detail of design, & so many other variables! We always think it is a good idea to give yourself at least an hour to an hour and a half to complete most pottery painting projects.

How long does it take before my project / pottery is ready to take home?

Short answer: 1-4 weeks
Long answer: It all depends on what you have made! Some of our workshops have projects that can be taken home the day of and others may need to be fired in a kiln multiple times and take up to 4 weeks to pick up. For clarification on a workshop’s project, contact us!

What if my pottery is broken in the kiln?

Ceramics is all about trail and error. If your pottery breaks in the firing process we will contact you and offer different ways to make it right. (Remake your piece, choosing in-store credit, ex.) But don’t stress, most projects make it through the firing process without a hitch!

I made something at the studio over a few months ago, do you still have it?

We hold work for 30 days after we contact you that it is ready for pick up. At the end of your 30 day time-frame, we contact you one last time as a reminder. However, It is always good to call and see if your work is still hiding about’ our studio.

Do you offer shipping?

Unfortunately we can not offer shipping at this time.

Can I pay for my class the day of my event?

Most classes and workshops are required to pay in full at the time of booking. This reserves your spot and allows us to collect the materials needed to instruct your event!

The only events not required to pay in full when booking are private lessons and parties, however a down deposit is always required.

The Clay Corner FAQs

What is the “Clay Corner”?

The Clay Corner is our designated section of the studio dedicated just to clay making (and clay messes!) It is our clay lab where our 7 wheels, 2 hand building tables, community glazes and tools, and amazing sink for cleaning up live!

Do you have open clay lab times?

Sorta, kinda. To gain open studio access in the Clay Corner, you have to be a current student in a wheel class or have taken a wheel class in the past few months. We limit our open studio time to students to ensure each person is properly trained on our equipment, to not overcrowd our space, and to ensure each person understands the basics so that they are set up for success! To gain access to open clay lab, check out our clay classes here.

What is included in our clay drop-in fee for current and past wheel students?

The Clay Corner is open to those who have had a wheel class at our studio in the past 6 months. If you have already used your free drop-in times that are included in every wheel class, you can still have access to the clay lab for a $40 drop-in fee. Stay for an hour or all day! There is no time limit on your creativity, HOWEVER, please refer to the Clay Corner schedule as the clay lab will be closed off for certain periods to accommodate clay classes, private lessons & events.

Can I bring my own clay into the studio?

No. For the safety of our equipment and other’s work being fired, we do not allow outside clay into the studio. This helps us avoid firing issues and mixing of different clay-bodies that can have a whole slu of unwanted side affects. Clay must be bought at our studio.

How much is clay at your studio?

We like to simplify fees at our studio. We offer new clay at $3.52-4.52 per lb and reclaim clay at $3 per lb. This covers all costs of firing and use of community glazes with no more fees after the purchase of your clay.

Can I use my own glazes?

Possibly. We fire to very specific cones. You would need to have your desired glazes approved by our ceramic instructor before being able to bring them into our studio. Home-made glazes are almost always not permitted. Store-bought glazes are easier to get approved for use.

Can I buy tools or supplies at your studio?

No. We do not have any tools or supplies for sale at our studio. However, we can point you in the right direction and we have many community tools and supplies you can use in both our cafe and in our clay lab while at our studio.

Got more questions for us?
Give us a ring or shoot us a message on our socials!